13 Jun

FLOWERS OF THE ROCKET PLANT HERBS! PEA PODS APPEARING! 'White Lady' beans Runners to get planted Brocolli Romanesco - not sure which way they are going! HUGE STALKS!

As you can see everything is almost growing to plan.  Unfortunately the aubergine plant hasn’t enjoyed the drop in temperature and is looking at the end of the line (no picture).  The caterpillars have had a feast on the chilli plant.  Some of the herbs I sowed had a bit too much rain.

However the radishes are ready to harvest and it won’t be long until we get a crop of fresh peas.  The potato plants are thriving and just waiting on flowers to appear for a soon to be harvest.  I’m having a dilemma with the brocoli as they are looking a weird.

Will sow some carrots and store them high so the carrot-fly can’t reach them!  Also will try to persevere with the aubergine plant and sow another couple inside.

The hanging baskets are looking blooming fantastic.  Still have to pot up the alpine plants, lily bulbs and cosmos.  The garden is coming along, but it does take time and a lot of patience!

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